They devoted themselves to the Apostles' teaching, and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.
Acts 2:42
Valley Baptist Church
Prayer Meeting
Wednesday Nights 6:30
At Church
Valley Baptist Church | 860 Saint Croix Trail South, Lakeland MN 55043 US | 651-436-5278
Sunday Services
9:00 Sunday School
Pre-K to Adult
10:15 Worship Service
Join us online or in person
You can attend our services online, either on Facebook or YouTube. To connect to our service on Facebook, link here. To connect on YouTube, link here.
Teaching, Worship, Community, and Prayer
Join us for:
Pre-K - Grade 6
Taught by Patty Whitman and BriAnn Beck
Junior and Senior High Sunday School
Taught by Pastor Steve
Ever wonder how God works? Do you ever think that God might not be able to accomplish his purpose in your life? Peter was impulsive and outspoken, yet even though he made mistakes along the way, he eventually learned how to walk with Jesus. Despite his weakness and sin, God did great things through Peter. Join us as we look at both his letters and life to learn from Peter about walking with God.
Young Adult Small Group
Every Other Friday 7:00
High School Graduate and Older
No Childcare
The next meeting is January 31
Cicchese's Home
700 Buttercup Ct.,
Hudson WI
Adult Sunday School
Taught by Rich Yates
Where is this drone-crazy-world heading?
How are Christians to conduct themselves in this post-Christian age?
Daniel trusted God’s providential plan as he walked a pure path in a pagan place.
So can we.
Come find out how - in our adult study of the Book of Daniel. This chapter-by-chapter exploration will last about 13 weeks. Rich Yates, professor at Ambassador Bible College, plans to be our guide.Daniel starts January 12 at Valley Baptist during our Sunday School hour.